
SIMWOOD's overall goal is to promote collaborative wood mobilisation in the context of multifunctional forest management across European forest regions.

The project focuses on seven general objectives:

  • Understand the current and future motivations of forest owners
  • Promote forest governance and joint action of stakeholders
  • Develop multifunctional forest management adapted to forest types
  • Integrate forest ecosystem services while minimizing environmental impacts
  • Establish improved adapted forest harvesting techniques
  • Demonstrate collaborative regional initiatives and solutions
  • Recommend tailor-made instruments to policymakers
  • Encourage broad outreach and exploitation in EU regions

SIMWOOD's main output is the ‘SIMWOOD Information System’, a novel, cross-regional, pan-European monitoring and policy support information system with modern communication tools for targeted outreach to forest owners and other stakeholders.

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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no 613762.