Work package 3: Regional Mobilisation Strategies and Integrated Evaluation


  • Evaluate the regional profiles (WP2) in an integrated manner across all domains and model regions and synthesise the key determinants for current and future wood mobilisation
  • Identify jointly with the Regional Learning Labs the suitable goals and strategies for each model region and conclude the most promising integrated solutions for novel wood mobilisation to be tested in regional pilot projects (WP4)
  • Refine transferable evaluation methodologies, mobilisation solutions and mechanisms to raise awareness and exchange knowledge as a toolset for WP5’s European expert system


3.1 Evaluation methodologies
3.2 Modelling potential wood resource/biomass mobilisation
3.3 Evaluation of regional profiles and proposed pilot projects
3.4 Regional Learning Labs and selection of pilot solutions
3.5 Refining the evaluation of regional solutions and conclusions

Lead partner: FCRA

Contact: David Edwards ()

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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no 613762.