Catalonia, Spain

SIMWOOD activities

Regional contacts

Centre de Recerca Ecològica i Aplicacions Forestals

Jordi Vayreda ()



Focus on Catalonia

Read the feature in SIMWOOD's February 2017 newsletter

Find out about:

  • SIMWOOD's work in the region
  • the two pilot project: (1) Singular Forest; (2) Forest of Vallès


Regional news


Com aprofitar la fusta sense malmetre els boscos singulars
Diari di Girona


El CREAF proposa noves formes de governança per millorar la gestió dels boscos amb potencial aprofitament fuster

Autumn 2015

Treure fusta dels nostres boscos. El projecte SIMWOOD promou experiències pilot innovadores de mobilització de fusta a tot Europa

Silvicultura, 72


Regional forest governance dialogues fostering conscious forest ownership and sustainable wood mobilisation in Europe


SIMWOOD: Una nova explotació forestal sostenible per Europa


About Catalonia

Area: 31,000 km2
Population: 7 million
Forest area: 1.3 million ha
Private forests: 1 million ha (80% of total)
Private forest owners: 222,690
Forest type: Mediterranean evergreen oak forest; Mediterranean pine forest; Alpine Scots pine and Spanish black pine forest

Specific situation

  • Forests subject to significant water stress during summer and thus high fire risk.
  • Forest areas located in steeper and stony areas where soil is thin, aggravating water stress and leading to very low productivity, hindering economic viability.
  • Main forest functions are protection (soil, water), conservation of habitat, tourism, carbon sequestration and forest production.

Main challenges

  • Fragmented ownership (mean size around 7ha).
  • Lack of professional organisation of forest owners, increasingly weak wood industry.
  • High risk of investment in management plans due to low wood productivity and high fire risk.

Regional initiatives

Federacio Catalana d'Associaions de Propietaris Forestals (BOSCAT)

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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no 613762.