Nordeste Transmontano, Portugal

SIMWOOD activities

Regional contacts

Instituto Politécnico de Bragança
João Azevedo ()

Associação Agro-Florestal e Ambiental da Terra Fria Transmontana (ARBOREA)
Abel Pereira ()


Focus on Nordeste Transmontano

Read the feature in SIMWOOD's July 2015 newsletter

Find out about:

  • SIMWOOD's work in the region
  • the Nordeste Regional Forest Council
  • the development of practical tools
  • the Nordeste pilot project



Events and presentations







2ª edição do Workshop FlorNext – Simulador de crescimento e de gestão das florestas do Nordeste Transmontano
Bragança, Portugal

Organised by Escola Superior Agrária/ Centro de Investigação de Montanha do IPB

O workshop tem como objetivo dar a conhecer esta inovadora ferramenta de modelação on-line destinada à gestão florestal na região do Nordeste Transmontano e proporcionar aos participantes conhecimentos base para a sua utilização.









FlorNext – Simulador de crescimento e de gestão das florestas do Nordeste Transmontano
Bragança, Portugal

Organised by Escola Superior Agrária/ Centro de Investigação de Montanha do IPB

O workshop tem como objetivo dar a conhecer esta inovadora ferramenta de modelação on-line destinada à gestão florestal na região do Nordeste Transmontano e proporcionar aos participantes conhecimentos base para a sua utilização.

>>More information


14 - 15.10.2015




Inventário Florestal com LiDAR, Bragança, Portugal

Organised by Escola Superior Agrária/ Centro de Investigação de Montanha do IPB

Os participantes poderão adquirir conhecimentos teóricos e práticos acerca desta temática, uma vez que terão a oportunidade de contactar com técnicos especializados na aplicação destas tecnologias, bem como lidar diretamente com equipamentos e software de manipulação de dados.

>> Programa




 SIMWOOD project leaflet  


As florestas são um importante recurso natural

Desbloqueio de recursos florestais



FlorNExT is an application for modeling growth and yield for maritime pine (Pinus pinaster) and Pyrenean oak (Quercus pyrenaica) stands in the Nordeste region of Portugal, as well as for defining thinning plans and their effects on stand growth and yield.

Users of the application can estimate stand growth and yield and tree size distribution over time in a very simple way based on variables easily measured in the field. They can also plan thinning operations from intensity and other simples parameters obtaining estimates of the volume to extract and the distribution of trees per size class (to extract and to remain in the stand).

The application is now fully available online at


Regional news


Read about the Nordeste Forest Council (CFNor) which met on 20 April 2016 in Bragança.


Read about the training of Forest Service managers, which took place on 7 April 2016.


Read about the FlorNext workshop held in Bragança in November 2015.


Read about the LiDAR workshop held in Bragança in October 2015.


Plataforma na net promete ajudar os proprietários florestais
Rádio Ansiães


About Nordeste Transmontano

Area: 8,172 km2
Population: 214,460
Forest area: 247,506 ha (29%)
Private forests:
Private forest owners: unknown
Forest type: Pyrenean oak forest; Chestnut forest; Mediterranean evergreen oak forest; Mediterranean thermophilous pine forest

Specific situation

  • Forests relatively abundant and diverse.
  • Pine forests planted mostly after 1950 in mountain areas, and more recently hardwoods in abandoned marginal agricultural areas.
  • Low density population, fast decreasing.
  • Number of forest owners unknown, but very numerous given very small average size of forest property.
  • Almost no forestry tradition in the region, except for case of firewood in ash and Pyrenean oak woodlands.

Main challenges

  • General lack of tradition/knowledge and interest in forest management.
  • Forest property very fragmented and distributed among thousands of small individual owners, many of whom live abroad.
  • Lack of a forest cadastre.



Regional initiatives

Zonas de Intervencao Florestal after 2005
Establishment of Forest Associations

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EU flag
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no 613762.