Auvergne, France

SIMWOOD activities

Regional contacts

Technology Institute Forêt, Cellulose, Bois-Construction Ameublement
Morgan Vuillermoz ()


Focus on Auvergne

Read the feature in SIMWOOD's June 2016 newsletter

Find out about:

  • SIMWOOD's work in the region
  • the pilot project and Regional Learning Lab

Events and presentations


Journée technique autour de l'exploitation forestière en zone de Pente
A la Délégation Sud‐Est de FCBA à Grenoble


Regional news


Récolte des bois sur terrains pentus
Le Bois International


Read about the Workshop on forest operations held in Grenoble on 19 November.


Mise en place d’un groupe de travail pour l’exploitation en zone de pente en Auvergne grâce à SIMWOOD




About the Auvergne

Area: 26,100 km2
Population: 1.3 million
Forest area: 700,000 ha
Private forests: 590,000 ha (84% of total)
Private forest owners: 210,000
Forest type: Subalpine and mountainous spruce and mountainous mixed spruce-silver fir forest; south western European mountainous beech forest (central massif); plantations of site-native species

Specific situation

  • Most of the forest resources are located in sub-mountainous areas, with problematic infrastructure.
  • They constitute privately-owned fir stands that are overstocked, over-aged and threatened by decay.
  • Specific approaches on both the human and technical sides are needed to (re)activate owners, forest management and harvesting operations.

Main challenges

  • Fragmented ownership, plots of less than 3 ha.
  • Private owners feel lost, mistrustful, when confronted with timber buyers/forest management companies.
  • Reluctance to harvest due to trouble/costs of forest operations.

Regional initiatives

Projet Pilote de Mobilisation des Bois en Auvergne (PPMBA)

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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no 613762.