Work package 2: Regional Profiles of Wood Mobilisation Challenges


  • Assess the current state of knowledge in the model regions in all socio-economic, technical and environmental domains relevant for stronger wood mobilisation, and carry out specific studies to close urgent knowledge gaps
  • Collect a comprehensive set of best-available, consistent data and information on wood mobilisation domains per all regional forest types, and the European context
  • Identify the regions’ main barriers and opportunities for stronger wood mobilisation


2.1 European policy framework and future research priorities
2.2 General methodology for surveys
2.3 Regional profiles and status-quo of knowledge
2.4 Focus studies in priority research areas
2.5 Initiation of Regional Learning Labs
2.6 Summary of regional profiles

Lead partner: UCD

Contact: Aine Ni Dhubhain ()

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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no 613762.