
SIMWOOD activities

Regional contacts

Slovenian Forestry Institute
Nike Krajnc ()

Slovenia Forest Service
Andrej Breznikar ()



Focus on Slovenia

Read the feature in SIMWOOD's April 2016 newsletter

Find out about:

  • SIMWOOD's work in the region
  • the focus study and pilot project
  • recent natural disasters in Slovenian forests and their consequences
  • quality wood auction – a promising practice for better wood mobilisation


Regional news


Listen to our broadcast on Radio Ognjišče: Izboljsanje dohodka v gozdovih [How to increase income from forests - in Slovenian]


Listen to our broadcast on Radio Ognjišče: Ekonomika negovalnih ukrepov [Economic aspects of tending forests - in Slovenian]


SIMWOOD - trajnosten in inovativen pristop k mobilizaciji lesa



Informacijski portal za lastnike gozdov v Sloveniji

About Slovenia

Area: 20,273 km2
Population: 2.1 million
Forest area: 1,184,369 ha
Private forests: 884,877 ha
Private forest owners: more than 300,000
Forest type: Illyrian montane beech forest; Central European sub-montane beech forest; Illyrian submontane beech forest; other thermophilous deciduous forests; Sessile oak-hornbeam; Nemoral spruce forest

Specific situation

  • Strong forest administration (through Slovenia Forest Service).
  • Important private forest ownership (more than 75% of all forests).
  • Large unused resource potential - actual felling in Slovenian forests (2011) is only 70% of allowable cut prescribed with forest management plans.
  • Forest owners associations are rare, cooperation is low - lack of tradition, state wide forest function planning from SFS within the forest management planning.

Main challenges

  • Fragmented ownership, lack of professional organisation and cooperation of forest owners.
  • Weak forest-based industry and its connections with wood resources.
  • High production costs in private forest sector



Regional initiatives

Slovenian Association of Forest Owners
Association of Machinery Rings in Slovenia
Slovenian Association of Facilitators

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EU flag
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no 613762.