Grand Est, France

SIMWOOD activities

Regional contacts

Technology Institute Forêt, Cellulose, Bois-Construction Ameublement
Morgan Vuillermoz ()

Forets et Bois de L’est



Focus on Grand Est

Read the feature in SIMWOOD's June 2016 newsletter

Find out about:

  • SIMWOOD's work in the region
  • the two pilot projects
  • the logging PRESS BOOK




Regional news


Actions dans le Grand Est relayées dans la brève approvisionnement n°7


About Grand Est

Area: 97,000 km2
Population: 6.5 million
Forest area: 3.2 million ha
Private forests: 1.6 million ha (50% of total)
Private forest owners:
Forest type: Acidophilous oakwood; mesophytic oak-hornbeam forest; Central European submountainous beech forest; swamp and riparian forests; plantations of site-native species

Specific situation

  • Numerous forest areas located on fragile soil.
  • Most of the unused resource that is potentially harvestable is located in deciduous forests owned by private individuals.
  • Two storms struck the area in the last 20 years, resulting in unbalanced forest age-classes.

Main challenges

  • Fragmented forest plots of less than 2 ha.
  • Forest areas located on fragile soil.
  • Reluctance to use mechanised forest operations, due to costs and expected damage to soil.


Regional initiatives

Many, involving individual private owners, industrial and other forest stakeholders on different levels (communes, country, forest basin, region).

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EU flag
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no 613762.