Work package 6: Knowledge Transfer and Dissemination


  • To implement an efficient and effective Dissemination and Exploitation Strategy and Plan (DESP) increasing the impact of the project outcomes among the target audiences
  • To raise awareness of the SIMWOOD project and increase the level of engagement and exploitation of results among target audiences
  • To facilitate open communication among project partners, stakeholders in the regions and outside the consortium
  • To demonstrate the potential of the project to regions outside the consortium by providing regional authorities with access to and training on the SIMWOOD MOBILISER, demonstration results, methods and guidelines developed in the project


6.1 Dissemination and exploitation strategy and plan
6.2 Development and maintenance of the SIMWOOD online presence
6.3 Offline dissemination activities in each participating region
6.4 Exploitation of results in other regions of Europe

Lead partner: EFI
Contact: Christophe Orazio ()

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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no 613762.